…the lovers of the countenance of the Beloved have said, “O
Thou Whose Essence alone can lead to His Essence, and Who transcendeth all
likeness to His creatures”. [1] How can utter nothingness spur its charger in
the arena of eternity, or a fleeting shadow reach to the everlasting sun? The
Friend addressed by the words “But for Thee” hath said, “We have failed to know
Thee”; and the Beloved alluded to by the words “or even closer” hath said, “nor
attained Thy presence”.[2]
Indeed, the references that have been made to the degrees of
mystic knowledge pertain to the knowledge of the effulgences of that Sun of
Truth as it becometh reflected in various mirrors. And the effulgence of that
light is present within the hearts, yet it is hidden beneath the veils of
selfish desires and earthly attachments, even as a candle within a lantern of
iron, and only when the cover is lifted doth the light of the candle shine out.
In like manner, when thou dost strip the veils of illusion
from the face of thine heart, the lights of Oneness will be made manifest.
- Baha’u’llah (‘The Seven Valleys’, 2019 revised translation by the Baha’i World
Centre; ‘The Call of the Divine Beloved’)
[1] From a prayer of Imám ‘Alí.
[2] “But for Thee” refers to a Hadíth. “We have failed to
know Thee” alludes to a prayer attributed to Muhammad that says, “We have not
known Thee, O God, as Thou oughtest to be known.” “Or even closer” alludes to
Qur’án 53:9.