This is the Day whereon the Spirit [Jesus] proclaimed from
the midmost heart of heaven: … “O concourse of divines! Still your pens, for
the Pen of Glory hath spoken. Lay aside your books, for the Book hath appeared
that compriseth all that hath been said aforetime and sufficeth all the
inhabitants of the earth. Rise above the horizon of certitude in the name of
your Lord, the All-Merciful, and tear asunder the veils that have come between
you and the Lord of all creation.
“Thus commandeth you the Spirit, Who offered up His life
that the world might be quickened and that the Desire of every heart might
appear. And He, verily, hath appeared through the power of truth. Follow Him,
and cling not unto that which ye possess of the proclamations of former times.
For the trumpet-blast hath been sounded, and lo! the earth of idle fancy hath
been cleft asunder; and the Tongue of Grandeur hath spoken from the pavilion of
glory, saying: The Kingdom in this Day is God’s, the All-Possessing, the Almighty,
the Most Exalted, the Most Great! The dead have risen and the souls have been
gathered together, and yet still We behold you entombed in the sepulchres of
heedlessness and desire. Fear God, O people! Rise from amongst the dead and
turn your faces towards the Dayspring of His grace which shineth above this
resplendent horizon. I, verily, await His command, that by His leave I might
descend into the world, even as I ascended from it. He, verily, hath the power
to ordain whatsoever He pleaseth."
- Baha’u’llah (‘Days of Remembrance’)