And now,
concerning His words—“The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give
light, and the stars shall fall from heaven.” By the terms “sun” and “moon,”
mentioned in the writings of the Prophets of God, is not meant solely the sun
and moon of the visible universe. Nay rather, manifold are the meanings they
have intended for these terms. In every instance they have attached to them a
particular significance. Thus, by the “sun” in one sense is meant those Suns of
Truth Who rise from the dayspring of ancient glory, and fill the world with a
liberal effusion of grace from on high. These Suns of Truth are the universal Manifestations
of God in the worlds of His attributes and names. Even as the visible sun that
assisteth, as decreed by God, the true One, the Adored, in the development of
all earthly things, such as the trees, the fruits, and colours thereof, the
minerals of the earth, and all that may be witnessed in the world of creation,
so do the divine Luminaries, by their loving care and educative influence,
cause the trees of divine unity, the fruits of His oneness, the leaves of
detachment, the blossoms of knowledge and certitude, and the myrtles of wisdom
and utterance, to exist and be made manifest. Thus it is that through the rise
of these Luminaries of God the world is made new, the waters of everlasting
life stream forth, the billows of loving-kindness surge, the clouds of grace
are gathered, and the breeze of bounty bloweth upon all created things. It is
the warmth that these Luminaries of God generate, and the undying fires they
kindle, which cause the light of the love of God to burn fiercely in the heart
of humanity. It is through the abundant grace of these Symbols of Detachment
that the Spirit of life everlasting is breathed into the bodies of the dead.
Assuredly the visible sun is but a sign of the splendour of that Day-star of
Truth, that Sun Which can never have a peer, a likeness, or rival. Through Him
all things live, move, and have their being. Through His grace they are made
manifest, and unto Him they all return. From Him all things have sprung, and
unto the treasuries of His revelation they all have repaired. From Him all
created things did proceed, and to the depositories of His law they did revert.
- Baha’u’llah (‘The Kitab-i-Iqan’)