Ye perform your works for God from the beginning of your
lives till the end thereof, yet not a single act is for the sake of Him Who is
the Manifestation of God, to Whom every good deed reverteth. Had ye acted in
such manner, ye would not have suffered so grievously on the Day of
Behold how great is the Cause, and yet how the people are
wrapt in veils. I swear by the sanctified Essence of God that every true praise
and deed offered unto God is naught but praise and deed offered unto Him Whom
God shall make manifest.
Deceive not your own selves that you are being virtuous for
the sake of God when you are not.
For should ye truly do your works for God, ye would be
performing them for Him Whom God shall make manifest and would be magnifying
His Name. The dwellers of this mountain who are bereft of true understanding
unceasingly utter the words, ‘No God is there but God’; but what benefit doth
it yield them? Ponder awhile that ye may not be shut out as by a veil from Him
Who is the Dayspring of Revelation.
(The Báb, excerpts from the Persian Bayán; Selections from the Writings of the Báb)
(The Báb, excerpts from the Persian Bayán; Selections from the Writings of the Báb)