All glory be to Thee, O my God, for Thou hast graciously
enabled me to fast during this month which Thou hast related to Thy Name, the
Most Exalted, and called 'Ala (Loftiness). Thou hast commanded that Thy
servants and Thy people should fast therein and seek thereby to draw nearer
unto Thee. The days and months of the year have culminated with the Fast, even
as the first month began with Thy Name, Bahá, that all might testify that Thou
art the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and be well assured
that the glory of all names is conferred only through the glory of Thy Cause
and the word expounded by Thy will and revealed through Thy purpose. Thou hast
ordained that this month be a remembrance and honour from Thee, and a sign of
Thy presence amongst them, that they may not forget Thy grandeur and Thy
majesty, Thy sovereignty and Thy glory, and may be well assured that from time
immemorial Thou hast ever been and wilt ever be Ruler over the entire creation.
Nothing created in the heavens or on the earth can hinder Thee in Thy
governance, nor can anyone in the realms of Revelation and creation prevent
Thee from fulfilling Thy purpose.
(Baha’u’llah, compilation ‘The Importance of
Obligatory Prayer and Fasting’, prepared by the Research Department of the
Universal House of Justice)