In the utterances of the
divine Luminaries the term “heaven” hath been applied to many and divers
things; such as the “heaven of Command,” the “heaven of Will,” the “heaven of
the divine Purpose,” the “heaven of divine Knowledge,” the “heaven of
Certitude,” the “heaven of Utterance,” the “heaven of Revelation,” the “heaven
of Concealment,” and the like. In every instance, He hath given the term
“heaven” a special meaning, the significance of which is revealed to none save
those that have been initiated into the divine mysteries, and have drunk from
the chalice of immortal life. For example, He saith: “The heaven hath
sustenance for you, and it containeth that which you are promised;” [1] whereas
it is the earth that yieldeth such sustenance. Likewise, it hath been said:
“The names come down from heaven;” whereas they proceed out of the mouth of
men. Wert thou to cleanse the mirror of thy heart from the dust of malice, thou
wouldst apprehend the meaning of the symbolic terms revealed by the
all-embracing Word of God made manifest in every Dispensation, and wouldst
discover the mysteries of divine knowledge. Not, however, until thou consumest
with the flame of utter detachment those veils of idle
learning, that are current amongst men, canst thou behold the resplendent morn
of true knowledge.
(Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan)
[1] Qur’án 51:22.