…God is immeasurably exalted above all things. Every created
being however revealeth His signs which are but emanations from Him and not His
Own Self. All these signs are reflected and can be seen in the book of
existence, and the scrolls that depict the shape and pattern of the universe
are indeed a most great book. Therein every man of insight can perceive that
which would lead to the Straight Path and would enable him to attain the Great
Announcement. Consider the rays of the sun whose light hath encompassed the
world. The rays emanate from the sun and reveal its nature, but are not the sun
itself. Whatsoever can be discerned on earth amply demonstrateth the power of
God, His knowledge and the outpourings of His bounty, while He Himself is
immeasurably exalted above all creatures.
(Baha’u’llah, ‘Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the