Steadfastness in the Cause is mentioned in the Tablets and
set forth by the Pen of the Ancient of Days. Render thanks to the Beloved of
the world that thou hast set thy heart on Him and art uttering His praise. Many
a man hath in this day been deprived of making mention of the All-Sufficing
Lord and of recognizing His truth; and many a woman hath fixed her gaze upon
the Horizon of the Most High, and hath adorned herself with the garb of the
love of the Desire of the world. This is God's grace which He bestoweth upon
whomsoever He pleaseth. By the Day-Star of ancient mysteries! The sweet-scented
fragrance of every breath breathed in the love of God is wafted in the court of
the presence of the Lord of Revelation. The reward of no good deed is or ever
will be lost. Blessed art thou, doubly blessed art thou! Thou art reckoned
amongst those handmaidens whose love for their kin hath not prevented them from
attaining the shores of the Sea of Grace and Mercy. God willing, thou shalt
rest eternally neath the shade of the favours of the All-Merciful and shalt be
assured of His bounties. Engage in the praise of the True One and rejoice in
His loving-kindness.
- Baha’u’llah (From a Tablet, The Compilation of
Compilations, vol. II, Women)