Say: He, verily, is the most perfect Balance established
amongst the nations, through Whom the measures of all things are made manifest
by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. He it is Who hath intoxicated
every understanding heart with the wine of His utterance, and Who hath torn
asunder the veils through the power of My Name that overshadoweth the worlds.
He, verily, hath ordained the Bayán to be a leaf of this Garden and adorned it
with the mention of this incomparable Remembrance. He hath admonished all men
not to withhold themselves from the Dayspring of ancient glory, nor to cling,
at the time of His manifestation, to such tales and traditions as are current
amongst them. Thus hath it been decreed in accordance with that which He hath
revealed, and unto this beareth witness He Who speaketh the truth. No God is
there beside Me, the Almighty, the Most Generous.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Days of