Consider the rational faculty with which God hath endowed
the essence of man. Examine thine own self, and behold how thy motion and
stillness, thy will and purpose, thy sight and hearing, thy sense of smell and
power of speech, and whatever else is related to, or transcendeth, thy physical
senses or spiritual perceptions, all proceed from, and owe their existence to,
this same faculty. So closely are they related unto it, that if in less than
the twinkling of an eye its relationship to the human body be severed, each and
every one of these senses will cease immediately to exercise its function, and
will be deprived of the power to manifest the evidences of its activity. It is
indubitably clear and evident that each of these afore-mentioned instruments
has depended, and will ever continue to depend, for its proper functioning on
this rational faculty, which should be regarded as a sign of the revelation of
Him Who is the sovereign Lord of all.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Gleanings from the
Writings of Baha’u’llah’)