Say: O source of iniquity! Bewail thy woeful plight; and O
fountainhead of oppression! Repair to thine abode in the nethermost fire, for
the beauty of the All-Merciful hath shone forth above the horizon of existence
with such radiance as to illumine all that dwell in His realms with the
splendour of its light, and hath called into being the Spirit of God, the
Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful. Through its revelation the hand
of His Will hath stretched forth from the sleeve of grandeur and rent asunder
the veils of the world by the power of His supreme, His peerless, His
all-compelling and exalted sovereignty. All glory, then, to this Dawn whereat
the Ancient Beauty hath been established upon the throne of His Name, the
Almighty, the Most Great!
- Baha’u’llah (‘Days of Remembrance’)