…this, the Lord of days, the Day whereon the Day-Star of the
Bayán manifested itself above the horizon of mercy, the Day in which the Beauty
of the All-Glorious shone forth in the exalted person of ‘Alí-Muḥammad, the
Báb. No sooner did He reveal Himself, than all the people rose up against Him.
By some He was denounced as one that hath uttered slanders against God, the
Almighty, the Ancient of Days. Others regarded Him as a man smitten with
madness, an allegation which I, Myself, have heard from the lips of one of the
divines. Still others disputed His claim to be the Mouthpiece of God, and
stigmatized Him as one who had stolen and used as his the words of the
Almighty, who had perverted their meaning, and mingled them with his own. The
Eye of Grandeur weepeth sore for the things which their mouths have uttered,
while they continue to rejoice upon their seats.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Days of