Thou hast enquired about the warning We gave to the people
at the time of Our departure from ‘Iráq to the effect that when the Sun
disappeareth from sight, birds of darkness will be in motion and the standards
of Samírí [1] will be reared high. I swear by God! Those birds have stirred in
these days and Samírí hath raised his clamour. Well is it with him who
recognizeth and is numbered with men of understanding. We have also warned them
against the appearance of the calf. God is My witness! All Our warnings have
come to pass, as indeed, they are bound to, inasmuch as they have issued from
the fingers of glory and might. Beseech thou God to protect thee from the
mischief of these men and to purify thee from the insinuations of the froward.
Strengthen thy loins then for the promotion of the Cause and pay no attention
unto the words uttered by the people of the Bayán, for they are truly incapable
of understanding and have failed to comprehend the essence of the Cause as is
revealed in this august, this Most Great Announcement. Thus have We inspired
thee, and infused into thy heart that which will make thee independent of the
allusions of mankind.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the
[1] The maker of the Golden Calf. See Qur’án 20:87–98.