Say: None shall be immune in this Day from God’s decree;
none shall find refuge save in Him. This, verily, is the truth, and aught else
is but manifest error. God hath made it incumbent upon all to teach His Cause
to the extent of their ability. Such is the decree that the Finger of might and
power hath recorded in the Tablets of supernal glory. Whoso quickeneth but a
single soul in this Revelation, it is as though he had quickened all humanity:
Him will God, on the Day of Resurrection, raise again to life in the paradise
of His oneness, adorned with the raiment of His own Self, the Sovereign
Protector, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful. Such is the nature of the
assistance ye can render to your Lord, and naught else is worthy of mention in
this Day in the presence of God, your Lord and the Lord of your sires of old.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Tablet of the Branch’; ‘Days of Remembrance’)