Was it in Pharaoh’s power to stay the hand of God from
exercising His sovereignty when he acted wantonly in the land and was of the
transgressors? From within his own house
and in spite of his will We brought forth Him Who conversed with God. Well able
are We to achieve Our purpose. Recall, moreover, how Nimrod kindled the fire of
impiety that its flames might consume Abraham, the Friend of God; We delivered
Him, however, through the power of truth and seized Nimrod with the fury of Our
wrath. Say: The Oppressor [Muhammad Sháh] put to death the Beloved of the
worlds to quench the light of God amongst the people and to debar them from the
wellspring of life eternal in the days of thy Lord, the Gracious, the Most
We, too, have revealed the Cause of God in His cities and
raised aloft His remembrance amidst them that truly believe in Him. Say: This
Youth hath come to quicken the world and unite all its peoples. The day is
approaching when that which God hath purposed will have prevailed and thou
shalt behold the earth transformed into the all-glorious paradise. Thus hath it
been inscribed by the Pen of Revelation upon this weighty Tablet.
- Baha’u’llah (Súriy-i-Ra’ís, addressed to ‘Álí Páshá, the Ottoman Prime Minister; ‘The
Summons of the Lord of Hosts’)