Consider the people and their condition. Reflect upon the
things that their mouths have uttered and that their hands have wrought in this
blessed, this most holy and peerless Day. They that have tarnished the good
name of the Cause of God and turned unto the Evil One are accursed of all
created things and are numbered among the inmates of the fire. Verily,
whosoever hath hearkened to My call shall remain unperturbed by the clamour of
all that are on earth; and whosoever is influenced by the words of anyone beside
Me hath never heard My call. By God!
Such a man is deprived of entering My Kingdom, is debarred from My
realms of majesty and power, and is of them that are in utter loss.
- Baha’u’llah (‘The Summons of the Lord of Hosts’)