For eleven years We dwelt in that land, until the Minister
representing thy government arrived, whose name Our pen is loth to mention, who
was given to wine, who followed his lusts, and committed wickedness, and was
corrupt and corrupted ‘Iráq. To this will bear witness most of the inhabitants
of Baghdád, wert thou to inquire of them, and be of such as seek the truth. He
it was who wrongfully seized the substance of his fellow-men, who forsook all
the commandments of God, and perpetrated whatever God had forbidden.
Eventually, he, following his desires, rose up against Us, and walked in the
ways of the unjust. He accused Us, in his letter to thee, and thou didst believe
him and followed in his way, without seeking any proof or trustworthy evidence
from him. Thou didst ask for no explanation, nor didst thou attempt either to
investigate or ascertain the matter, that the truth might be distinguished from
falsehood in thy sight, and that thou mightest be clear in thy discernment.
Find out for thyself the sort of man he was by asking those Ministers who were,
at that time, in ‘Iráq, as well as the Governor of the City (Baghdád) and its
high Counsellor, that the truth may be revealed to thee, and that thou mayest
be of the well-informed.
- Baha’u’llah (From a Tablet to a Minister of the Shah;
‘Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah’)