Praise be to Him Whose Essence is immeasurably exalted above
the strivings of human hearts, however pure, to soar into the atmosphere of His
nearness, and Whose Being is immensely sanctified beyond the exertions of human
minds, however lofty, to ascend unto the heaven of His presence. From time
immemorial He hath been exalted above the description of aught save Himself,
and He will forever continue to be sanctified beyond the praise of all created
things. The hearts of them that have recognized Him are sore perplexed before
the tokens of His everlasting handiwork, and the minds of them that have
attained His court are bewildered by the wondrous evidences of the Revealers of
His oneness. He, verily, is the All-Possessing, the Almighty, the Most
Glorious, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.
- Baha’u’llah (‘The Call of
the Divine Beloved’)