Hearken unto the words of the one true God and pride thyself
not in the things of this world. What
hath become of those like unto thee who falsely claimed lordship on earth, who
sought to quench the light of God in His land and to destroy the foundation of
His mighty edifice in His cities? Where
are they to be seen now? Be fair in thy
judgement and return unto God, that perchance He might cancel the trespasses of
thy vain life. Alas, We know that thou
shalt never attain unto this, for such is thy cruelty that it hath made hell to
blaze and the Spirit to lament, and hath caused the pillars of the Throne to
shake and the hearts of the faithful to tremble.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Lawh-i-Ra’is’,
addressed to Ottoman Prime Minister Ali Pasha; ‘Summons of the Lord of Hosts’)