All that existeth in this city [“the City of Immortality”]
shall indeed endure and will never perish. Shouldst thou, by the leave of God,
enter this sublime and exalted garden, thou wouldst find its sun in its
noontide glory, never to set, never to be eclipsed. The same holdeth true of
its moon, its firmament, its stars, trees, and oceans, and of all that
pertaineth thereunto or existeth therein. By Him besides Whom there is none
other God! Were I to recount, from this day unto the end that hath no end, its
wondrous attributes, the love that My heart cherisheth for this hallowed and
everlasting city would never be exhausted. I shall, however, bring My theme to
a close, since time is short and the inquirer impatient, and since these
secrets are not to be openly divulged save by the leave of God, the Almighty,
the All-Compelling.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Gems
of Divine Mysteries’)