Great God! In this glorious Dispensation the treasures laid
up by kings and queens are not worthy of mention, nor will they be acceptable
in the presence of God. However, a grain of mustard offered by His loved ones
will be extolled in the exalted court of His holiness and invested with the
ornament of His acceptance. Immeasurably exalted is His bounty, immeasurably
glorified is His majesty. And yet, when an offering was adorned with the glory
of His acceptance and reported by Jinab-i-Amin, twice that amount was ordered
to be paid out to the poor and the needy. Unto this beareth witness every
fair-minded man of insight, and those that are truthful and trustworthy.
- Baha’u’llah (The Compilation of Compilation, vol. I, Huqúqu'lláh)