The benefits accruing from benevolent works shall fall to
the individuals concerned. In such matters only a word would suffice. Should
anyone offer Huquq with utmost joy and radiance, manifesting a spirit of
resignation and content, his offering shall be acceptable before God, otherwise
He can dispense with all the peoples of the earth ... Well is it with them that
have fulfilled that which is prescribed in the Book of God. It is incumbent upon
everyone to observe that which God hath purposed, for whatsoever hath been set
forth in the Book by the Pen of Glory is an effective means for the purging,
the purification and sanctification of the souls of men and the source of
prosperity and blessing. Happy are they that have observed His commandments.
- Baha’u’llah (The Compilation of Compilation, vol. I, Huqúqu'lláh)