If thou attainest unto His [Baha’u’llah] Revelation, and
obeyest Him, thou wilt have revealed the fruit of the Bayán; if not, thou art
unworthy of mention before God. Take pity upon thyself. If thou aidest not Him
Who is the Manifestation of the Lordship of God, be not, then, a cause of
sadness unto Him.” And further He saith—magnified be His station: “If thou
attainest not unto the Presence of God, grieve not, then, the Sign of God. Ye
will renounce that which can profit them that acknowledge the Bayán, if ye
renounce that which can harm Him. I know, however, that ye will refuse to do
- The Báb (Quoted by Baha’u’llah in the ‘Epistle to the Son of the Wolf’)