The whole world hath been set ablaze by the Word of thy
Lord, the All-Glorious, a Word softer than the morning breeze. It hath been manifested in the form of the
human temple, and through it God hath quickened the souls of the sincere among
His servants. In its inner essence, this
Word is the living water by which God hath purified the hearts of such as have
turned unto Him and forgotten every other mention, and through which He draweth
them nigh unto the seat of His mighty Name. We have sprinkled it upon the people of the graves, and lo, they have
risen up, with their gaze fixed upon the shining and resplendent Beauty of
their Lord.
- Baha’u’llah (Súriy-i-Ra’ís, Tablet addressed to ‘Álí Páshá, the Ottoman
Prime Minister; ‘The Summons of
the Lord of Hosts’)