O Báqir! Rely not on thy glory, and thy power. Thou art even
as the last trace of sunlight upon the mountain-top. Soon will it fade away, as
decreed by God, the All-Possessing, the Most High. Thy glory and the glory of
such as are like thee have been taken away, and this verily is what hath been
ordained by the One with Whom is the Mother Tablet. Where is he to be found who
contended with God, and whither is gone he that gainsaid His signs, and turned
aside from His sovereignty? Where are they who have slain His chosen ones and spilt
the blood of His holy ones? Reflect, that haply thou mayest perceive the
breaths of thine acts, O foolish doubter! Because of you the Apostle [Muhammad]
lamented, and the Chaste One [Fátimih, daughter of Muhammad] cried out, and the
countries were laid waste, and darkness fell upon all regions. O concourse of
divines! Because of you the people were abased, and the banner of Islám was
hauled down, and its mighty throne subverted. Every time a man of discernment
hath sought to hold fast unto that which would exalt Islám, ye raised a
clamour, and thereby was he deterred from achieving his purpose, while the land
remained fallen in clear ruin.
- Baha’u’llah (From the Tablet addressed to
Shaykh Muhammad Báqir, denounced by Bahá’u’lláh as the ‘Wolf’; Tablets of
Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas’)