All days have attained their consummation in this most
august of days, and all hours in this noblest of hours, and the Unseen hath
willed to confer every grace upon the inmates of earth and heaven, to
establish, before all who are in the kingdoms of revelation and creation, the
Manifestation of God and His loftiness, and the sovereignty of God and His
grandeur, that His favour might be made complete unto His servants and His
bounty fulfilled unto His creation. And yet, when once He appeared, the eyes of
all who had awaited Him were dazzled, save for those whom His might had
protected and from whose sight He had lifted all worldly veils. Blessed, then,
be He Who hath been made manifest through the power of truth in this wondrous,
this shining vesture!
- Baha’u’llah (‘Days of remembrance’)