Behold how the people of the Bayán have utterly failed to
recognize that the sole object of whatsoever My Previous Manifestation and
Harbinger of My Beauty hath revealed hath been My Revelation and the
proclamation of My Cause. Never—and to this He Who is the Sovereign Truth
beareth Me witness—would He have, but for Me, pronounced what He did pronounce.
Witness how this foolish people have treated the Cause of Him Who is the
All-Possessing, the Inaccessible, as a play and pastime! Their hearts devise
each day a new device, and their fancy leadeth them to seek a fresh retreat. If
what they say be true, how then can the stability of the Cause of thy Lord be
ensured? Ponder this in thine heart, and be thou of them who are sharp-sighted,
who scan heedfully, who are steadfast in their purpose and confident in their
belief. Such should be thy certitude that if all mankind were to advance such
claims as no man hath ever advanced, or any mind conceived, thou wouldst
completely ignore them, wouldst cast them from thee, and would set thy face
towards Him Who is the Object of the adoration of all worlds.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah’)