We have permitted you to listen to music and singing. Beware lest such listening cause you to transgress the bounds of decency and dignity. Rejoice in the joy of My Most Great Name through which the hearts are enchanted and the minds of the well-favoured are attracted.
- Baha’u’llah (From a Tablet; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, A Chase and Holy Life)
Say: By the righteousness of God! I, verily, am His [The Báb’s] Best-Beloved; and at this moment He listeneth to these verses descending from the Heaven of Revelation and bewaileth the wrongs ye have committed in these days. Fear God, and join not with the aggressor. Say: O people, should ye choose to disbelieve in Him, [Bahá’u’lláh] refrain at least from rising up against Him. By God! Sufficient are the hosts of tyranny that are leagued against Him!
- Baha’u’llah (‘The Kitab-i-Aqdas’)