How many the lands that remained untilled and uncultivated; and how many the lands that were tilled and cultivated, and yet remained without water; and how many the lands which, when the harvest time arrived, no harvester came forth to reap! However, through the wonders of God's favour and the revelations of His loving-kindness, We cherish the hope that souls may appear who are the embodiments of heavenly virtue and who will occupy themselves with teaching the Cause of God and training all that dwell on earth.
- Baha’u’llah (Cited in a letter from the Universal House of Justice to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors, 29 December 2015)
O ye discerning ones! Verily, the words which have descended from the heaven of the Will of God are the source of unity and harmony for the world. Close your eyes to racial differences, and welcome all with the light of oneness.
- Baha’u’llah (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi in ‘The Advent of Divine Justice’)